Motovario Spain: a motor powered by teamwork
20 January 2025"Teamwork...always" is the third winning project of our Heart of Values – Teamwork contest.
In the warehouse at Motovario Spain, every day is a chance to demonstrate the importance of collaboration. Indeed, every activity involves close cooperation between the different departments, requiring constant input by the team.
A company culture built on mutual support has been fostered from the start, providing the basis of a successful team, capable of achieving any goal.
Even in those sections where employees work individually, such as the production unit, collaboration is still vitally important. At both the initial stages, and later on in the process, interaction between the different departments is crucial to ensure the quality and efficiency of the final product or service.
Judit de las Heras, HR Manager for Spain and Subsidiaries, made this point: "A close-knit team is a winning team, able to achieve any goal, and this translates into better performance and greater customer satisfaction."