28 December 2021

The ISO 45001 Surveillance Audit was successfully completed last week, a result obtained thanks to the involvement of all of Motovario’s departments.

The standard specifies the requirements for an occupational health and safety (OSH) management system and provides guidance on its use to enable organisations to provide safe and healthy workplaces, preventing work-related injuries and diseases, as well as proactively improving their OSH performance.

UNI EN ISO 45001 del 2018 “Occupational health and safety management systems – Requirements with guidance for use” is therefore the first international standard to define the minimum good practice standards for the protection of workers all around the world.

It establishes a framework to:

- improve safety

- reduce risks at the workplace

- improve the health and wellbeing of workers

- involve workers in the improvement process

This way it is possible to increase performance in terms of health and safety.

During this audit:

  • It was verified that all mandatory requirements had been met
  • it was verified that checks on equipment had been conducted within the deadlines required by law
  • it was verified that maintenance on the fire-fighting equipment had been carried out periodically
  • the date of the evacuation test was verified


Namely, Motovario, whose compliance with regulations has been confirmed, has adopted the following procedures:

  • accident events are analysed with the cause-root model, i.e. after being identified, improvement actions are planned and carried out in order to then verify their effectiveness.
  • Dangerous situations or behaviours can be reported by anyone at Motovario. This collection is stored in a database and then discussed on a weekly basis with the persons at the head of the various departments in order to find the most suitable solutions


This excellent result was achieved thanks to everyone's commitment and helpful approach!


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