ISO 9001 Surveillance Audit successfully completed

25 August 2022

The ISO 9001 Surveillance Audit conducted by TÜV Italy inspectors in Motovario’s various areas, functions and departments was concluded with success.


The inspectors found no "non-conformities," certifying that Motovario's management system complies with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard


The Audit involved the following entities:

  • Supply Chain
  • Production
  • Customer Service
  • Marketing
  • Quality control


The inspectors checked the documentation, corrective actions and flows, praised the change in layout of both plants to Lean and were struck by the company's strong focus on continuous improvement.


Kudos to the Quality team and the entire company for their efforts demonstrating that the quality of products and services offered to customers always comes first.

ISO 9001 Surveillance Audit successfully completed
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