Motovario Ltd has renewed the ISO 9001:2008 certification

04 June 2015

The ISO certification is a key pillar for companies that want to improve year after year the effectiveness and efficiency in the steps of realization of the product and in the early stages of service delivery. For this reason also the English branch Motovario Ltd has completed the renewal of the certification ISO 9001:2008 for the "Quality Management Systems " .


Better management, higher quality, more customer satisfaction; is positive thinking with which the UK management has addressed the process of renewal, made specifically for the business process dedicated to the "Storage and assembly of products for power transmission".


The certification was issued by Lloyd 's Register Quality Assurance that has occurred as Motovario Ltd has streamlined all internal processes, reduced waste and inefficiencies and thus improving the customer satisfaction.


"The certification of the Quality System is an investment for us that leads us to a factory increasingly lean thinking. We want to improve more and more the way we operate and manage processes both within our structure and in the service that we give out, to the customer" explains Ivan Partridge, Motovario Ltd. Managing Director.


The first certification was in 1997, year of issuance of the guidelines, while the next renewal will be in 2018.


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