Thank you all for the wonderful evening spent together!

14 July 2022

The Motovario "summer party" CIACK SI GIRA dinner was held at the integrated safety and security hub!


Those who came were immediately welcomed by the ‘’Tutto Si Muove Staff who grilled up enormous amounts of “borlenghi” (typical flatbread from this region) for everyone.


Gino Ginone Andreoli, a stage actor from Sassuolo, livened things up by involving Motovario in some very funny sketches, and at the end there was an award ceremony for the best actors of the evening.


A huge thank you to the guys of TSG - Tutto Si Gusta who handled the catering and service for this splendid evening spent in the name of good food and good company.


Many thanks again to the Tutto Si Muove association, which made the evening so successful. This association organises many events in the area every day: from creative workshops on how to recycle and reuse stuff, the give support for areas affected by disasters, and help children in difficulty with the “Tutto col gioco, niente per gioco” project, among many other things. You can follow them on their Facebook page dedicated.


Tutto Si Muove and Motovario are two entities united by a deep sense of belonging to the local area and a willingness to help others through volunteer activities and charity fundraising; and, not surprisingly, both are driven by the knowledge that movement a solid base in life.


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