07 October 2022
The time has come to reveal the winner, the person judged to best embody the value of INNOVATION.
Our jury decided on the winner by examining the various activities that bring about innovation.
The WINNER is Motovario Italia, with the Self Power motor developed by Antonio Scozzafava and Davide Pagliaro, using creativity, technical knowledge and teamwork.
The second finalist was Motovario USA, for Xing a product for use in a new field of application.
WINNER ANTONIO SCOZZAFAVA and DAVIDE PAGLIARO with the "Self Power" motor. (Motovario ITALIA)
2nd place. MOTOVARIO USA with "Ranger Conveying".
We want to thank everyone who took part with their projects.
We'd also like to inform you the value of "innovation" award is the final part of our HEART OF VALUES company competition, which has focused on all the values that form part of our daily work.
Thank you very much to everyone for helping and taking part, and keep these values close to your hearts.