Sales Champions Cup: the cup returns to Italy in July

29 July 2022

Paolo Bisi, Area Manager Italy, has won the Sales Champions Cup for the second time this year.

Paolo was awarded the cup because he arranged an important contract with an OEM customer with global operations in the field of fitness and biomedical rehab.


More precisely, Motovario was able to offer a mechatronic system for moving and controlling the axes on high-fidelity simulation machines

This was essentially a co-engineering project with the customer, coordinated by our Technical Sales Support team working in the mechanical, electromechanical and electronic fields. The challenge was to get the system to meet the stringent standards of the biomedical sector, by applying new technologies that required the use of servo motors, and these provided exceptional levels of protection compared to other systems on the market.

Well done Paolo!

Sales Champions Cup: the cup returns to Italy in July
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