Motovario: safety first

28 April 2022

On the 28th April we celebrate the World Day for Safety and Health at Work.


Safety is the top priority at Motovario.

We have gone from a “reactive” to a “proactive” approach, thanks to which events have radically improved.

Proactivity is often a nice concept in theory, but at Motovario we try to apply it in a tangible way by using the Heinrich pyramid.

How do we add elements to the Heinrich pyramid? This is equally important:


  • “Safety in the field”, which consists of a system of alerts of dangerous situations that the operators perceive in the workstations or of behaviour that might pose a hazard to operating personnel.

This project was developed by using various noticeboards placed in our plants where operators can leave messages.

The messages are collected and entered in a shared database to carry out corrective actions.


  • LPA, Layered Process Audits, which consists in daily, weekly and monthly stratified audits carried out by operators, team leaders and management to check that production processes are conducted correctly

These two projects were a success because of the people involved.


Extending participation to all production and operational personnel has considerably increased the focus on safety.


We would like to thank Alessandro Pramarzoni, RSPP – Head of the prevention and protection service, Giuseppe Pastorelli from Safety and Ilaria Persia, Environment and Safety Specialist, for making Motovario a safer place every day.

Motovario: safety first
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