World Day for Occupational Health and Safety

28 April 2021

Workers, employers, governments, health and safety agencies around the world, in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO), are celebrating World Day for Safety and Health at Work on 28 April.

Today more than ever, it is necessary to emphasize the need to create a new "safety culture" in order to reduce or prevent accidents at work and occupational diseases.

Motovario is certified according to UNI ISO 45001:2018 which specifies the requirements of the management system, controlling safety and health in the workplace. Adhering to an international standard means giving workers a guarantee in terms of health and safety, as well as increasing the efficiency of the entire management system by identifying risks and evaluating ways to prevent the unforeseen from occurring in the workplace. 

Motovario has also adopted a company policy aimed at reducing injuries and accidents, and the only acceptable way to act is to develop a corporate culture that is not only reactive to problems, but above all preventive. This is the main purpose of LPA Layered Process Audits, also known as Kamishibai.

Through a special check-list on a daily basis, at each work shift, any risk situations are verified.

Layered process audits which consist of a constant review of key safety elements for the departments or lines concerned, carried out by the various levels of responsibility. This makes it easier to correct potential risk situations that could turn into accidents.

Motovario: Security In Motion.

World Day for Occupational Health and Safety
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