#MotovarioOnTour: Goldoni visits Motovario’s Indian branch

28 June 2024

Today we would like to tell you all about Motovario’s international core business with Gian Paolo Goldoni, Sales Director of @Motovario spa, who attended the meeting held by our Indian branch.

The meeting focused on two topics:

1️- The reorganisation of the sales department in order to adopt a more efficient and customer-focused approach.

2️- The substantial investment in the new layout of the assembly area, a significant step forward that will bring numerous benefits to our customers when it comes to quality of service.

At the end of the meeting, Gian Paolo highlighted the fact that ‘the Motovario India team is highly qualified, cohesive and motivated, which makes them ideally suited to help us keep pace with the ever-growing market’.

#MotovarioOnTour: Goldoni visits Motovario’s Indian branch
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