COVID-19 – updates

11 March 2020

Motovario: business activities guaranteed


In light of the rapid escalation of information and communications relating to COVID-19 in Italy, we want to inform you about the evolution of the situation.

Following the new ministerial decree of 09.03.2020 and previous decree of 08.03.2020, the restrictive measures are extended over the entire Italian territory with the aim of containing COVID-19.

Motovario immediately took action to ensure all necessary precautions, applying health recommendations to allow its staff to carry out their work safely.


Therefore, Motovario's commercial activities and production plants continue regularly both in Italy and in foreign branches.

We confirm that we do not have or foreseen any major impact on our production levels and our shipments are in line with expectations. 


A big "thank you" to all Motovario team for their professional response to this unexpected, difficult and challenging situation. 

We are a good team and together we will be even stronger when all this uncertain has passed.


In this critical and difficult moment, Motovario is ready to immediately adapt the security measures according to the provisions of the institutions, always putting people first, the heart of our company.


We will update this page and Linkedin with developing news


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